This tin on tin shaker is made with a classic Asian shape featuring a premium gold finish giving a slightly heavier, more robust shaker. Made with our standard high level of quality steel and featuring laser welded caps on the base of the two tins.
Yansheng Coins are talismans of good fortune in China, and often used to bring in money in Feng Shui. These coins are round with a square hole in the centre. They represent both heaven (the circle) and earth (the square), and because of this, they are deemed especially auspicious.
Features Lucky Coins on the base
Made from premium 18/8 Japanese steel for greater corrosion resistance
Weighted base on each tin for increased rigidity
Outlasts standard poor grade steel shakers
Polished Gold Plated finish
Gift boxed
Dishwasher safe - see ourSteel Care Guidepage for more information
Dishwasher Safe?:Yes
Metal Properties:18/8 Stainless Steel, Japanese Steel, Gold Finish, Weighted Base
Packaging:Gift Box
Dishwasher Safe?:Yes
Metal Properties:18/8 Stainless Steel, Japanese Steel, Gold Finish, Weighted Base
Packaging:Gift Box
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Unsere Mangrovenbäume werden in Kenia angebaut und bestehen aus verschiedenen einheimischen Arten, um den größtmöglichen Nutzen für die Umwelt zu gewährleisten. Das Pflanzen dieser Bäume unterstützt auch die lokalen Gemeinschaften mit fairen Löhnen, um die Bäume zu pflanzen und zu schützen.